Entries by Brit


Frequently Asked Questions   Why work with WORK+SHELTER ? Our mission is to make it easy for organizations and consumers to purchase wholesale quantities of high quality, ethically made, customized sewn goods. In pursuit of a more just world, we employ women in need and when possible use other social enterprises, natural fibers, recycled, organic, […]

Chat Over Chai

CHAT OVER CHAI BREAKING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE As an entrepreneur, breaking out of your comfort zone is essential to success. Confronting one’s fears + uncertainties when starting a business is extremely challenging + takes a lot of practice. As a woman, this is especially mortifying + may feel nearly impossible at times. We […]


CHAT, over CHAI MEET THERESA ! Hi there! I’m Theresa, CEO of WORK+SHELTER … …and I’m Brit, WORK+SHELTER Sales and Marketing Coordinator. Thanks for checking out our new blog!! We’ve got a lot to chat about ~ from the perks & pains of being a female entrepreneur/warrior, running an ethical production center in India, and supporting a team of women […]