Frequently Asked Questions Why work with WORK+SHELTER ? Our mission is to make it easy for organizations and consumers to purchase wholesale quantities of high quality, ethically made, customized sewn goods. In pursuit of a more just world, we employ women in need and when possible use other social enterprises, natural fibers, recycled, organic...
Chat Over Chai
CHAT OVER CHAI BREAKING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE As an entrepreneur, breaking out of your comfort zone is essential to success. Confronting one’s fears + uncertainties when starting a business is extremely challenging + takes a lot of practice. As a woman, this is especially mortifying + may feel nearly impossible at times. We...
CHAT, over CHAI MEET THERESA ! Hi there! I’m Theresa, CEO of WORK+SHELTER … …and I’m Brit, WORK+SHELTER Sales and Marketing Coordinator. Thanks for checking out our new blog!! We’ve got a lot to chat about ~ from the perks & pains of being a female entrepreneur/warrior, running an ethical production center in India, and supporting a team of women...
Hello Beautiful WORK+SHELTER Ladies!
Today we talked about the following, and more! : -Seema’s computer classes – her course has finished – has she been practicing? -How Renu likes W+S -Bangles we’re developing for a client -Experimental knit penguins and narwhals -The snowy weather in NYC...
What is a Narwhal?
That is a very good question. The women at WORK+SHELTER are currently making the Sweatertoys incarnation of the so-called “unicorn whale,” and were curious to know more about it. Here’s a picture of Seema and Maqsooda learning more on the good ol’ world wide web!...